
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Been Awhile...

So it has been a couple of days since my last post so I thought that I would write something realy quick!

First off, The NY Giant are the Super Bowl Champs! They beat the highly favored New England Patriots who were, up to the super bowl, undefeated. Eli Manning showed his resiliency and brought home the championship! One of the best parts about Eli wining is that it comes just one year after his brother won the Super Bowl for the Colts....I love Football!!

Secondly, The commercials were sub-par. I was very disappointed I have to say. I think that this was one of the the worst years for ads that I can remember! Which is to bad for all the companies that had ads since this was the biggset crowd ever to watch a Super Bowl.

Third, although I should have learned from past experiences, if you eat something that burns going in, its gonna burn coming out. Especially if you eat it on an empty stomach....'nugh said!

Fourth, Girls are like a rubiks cube. Only a few people can actually figure them out. A lot of times you might have one side figured out, but it usually gets messed up when you work on another side.

Fifth, Frank Sintra is still the man and the new Foo Fighters CD is good.

I think that is about it for now. I have a few other ideas knocking around that I will hopefully get on paper soon enough!


Dave said...

I can't thank you enough for your pearls of wisdom. Truly inspirational. Especially the one about burning poo.

Amy said...

lol yeah, what was it you ate?

Anonymous said...

What goes in must come out!!
Yes girls can be difficult to understand! I am one, and have a hard time figuring myself out sometimes! (But I like to think I am worth the trouble!) And Yes Frank is tops!

Anonymous said...

This may offend some other people but frankly you are arguably the funniest man on the planet. Thanks for your pearls of wisdom. I was also really disappointed with the commercials. Do people in advertising agencies get paid to write that stuff?

Also, as Amy would say nice use of the word 'nuff'.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to be a rubics cube anymore. It's kind of annoying! sorry I had to post under anonymous becuase I don't remember my account info. haha